I've been having frequent fish dreams as of the past year or so, but I'm not sure why. In every fish dream I'm always running around and saving fish who have either jumped out of their tanks/bowls or who have purposely been removed by another person. And usually I am either successful in saving them or the dream ends up somewhere else and I no longer have to worry about the fish. However, in a more recent fish dream, for some reason I put a fish in my mouth to transport it back to its bowl and I accidently chewed it up. Eeeew. e_e
My latest fish dream, though, was even more extreme: There was some huge gathering of students in a gym (I'm assuming it was like a potluck or something because there were dishes and pots and food everywhere). My older brother had just gotten some more goldfish and brought them in, and they were doing the usual jumping out of their bowl trying to kill themselves, so I was busy picking them up and such. And it was weird-- I wasn't scared at all of touching them or handling them (which I'm sure I would be in real life). Somehow I ended up over by the food eating and passing the time. Eventually the place emptied out and I stayed behind to help clean up, and I went over to this little crockpot/fryer thing and my brother's fish were in there, dead, laying nicely on a bed of rice. I started crying and told the adults that somebody had murdered the fish, but they didn't seem interested. Sometime later I ended up at another dish and there were more goldfish fried up, except there was one still flailing around as it was being cooked. It's eye was large and silver, and as it wriggled about, it somehow conveyed to me, "save me." I reached in to try and save it but the lid came down and somewhat melted my hands, so all I could do was watch the goldfish die.
How horrible and sad. My dreams have gone from successful no-fish casualties, to one-fish casualty, to now a mass murder. But as to why I am having these dreams is beyond me. My brother did actually have goldfish a long time ago, and they did jump out of their bowl and commit suicide, but I didn't really care too much about it. Perhaps, though, I was traumatized subconsciously, and these dreams are the manifestations of my repressed fears. Or, from a Jungian perspective, the fish may represent some sort of human archetype, though which one I'm not sure.
My latest fish dream, though, was even more extreme: There was some huge gathering of students in a gym (I'm assuming it was like a potluck or something because there were dishes and pots and food everywhere). My older brother had just gotten some more goldfish and brought them in, and they were doing the usual jumping out of their bowl trying to kill themselves, so I was busy picking them up and such. And it was weird-- I wasn't scared at all of touching them or handling them (which I'm sure I would be in real life). Somehow I ended up over by the food eating and passing the time. Eventually the place emptied out and I stayed behind to help clean up, and I went over to this little crockpot/fryer thing and my brother's fish were in there, dead, laying nicely on a bed of rice. I started crying and told the adults that somebody had murdered the fish, but they didn't seem interested. Sometime later I ended up at another dish and there were more goldfish fried up, except there was one still flailing around as it was being cooked. It's eye was large and silver, and as it wriggled about, it somehow conveyed to me, "save me." I reached in to try and save it but the lid came down and somewhat melted my hands, so all I could do was watch the goldfish die.
How horrible and sad. My dreams have gone from successful no-fish casualties, to one-fish casualty, to now a mass murder. But as to why I am having these dreams is beyond me. My brother did actually have goldfish a long time ago, and they did jump out of their bowl and commit suicide, but I didn't really care too much about it. Perhaps, though, I was traumatized subconsciously, and these dreams are the manifestations of my repressed fears. Or, from a Jungian perspective, the fish may represent some sort of human archetype, though which one I'm not sure.
1 comment:
Cooking is funnnnnn huh?
Deep fried fish and rice...
hmmmm.. sounds goooooood to me haha
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