I had a dream that my car came back.
I used to have a Saturn, the best car ever. It was small yet roomy, and it ran great. I named it Serenity after the movie. Earlier this year she was stolen from a mall parking lot. Why? I have no idea. She wasn't the newest or fanciest-looking car out there, and there wasn't anything of value inside except my tennis racket and parking pass. Seriously, who steals tennis rackets and/or parking passes? There must've been some other motive for the theft, perhaps gang initiation or a gift for the culprit's mother (this happened on Mother's Day after all). But alas, the police never found my Serenity, and I didn't really expect them to. She was probably gutted, torched, and pushed into a river by the end of the day.
And then last night amongst my dreams Serenity returned. It was only for a second, but how bitter-sweet it was. She came rolling up to me, her headlights flashing to signify that she was okay. "My car!" I gasped, and I reached out to her, only to have the dream shift away to something else.
I'm so very sorry that you didn't get your car back. I also had my Saturn stolen out of a parking lot, 4 years ago. I was lucky, I got it back the next day. I guess they are easy to steal.
Aaaaw yours was stolen, too? That sucks. The officer told me that Saturns are real easy to break into. Wish I would've known that before hand!
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