Tuesday, February 12, 2008

[insert Batman theme song here]

Oh dreams. You silly, weird, scary figments of the mind.

So last night I dreamt that I was Batman, or at least some sort of female superhero equivalent. And I'm not sure why, though, because I've never been into any of those comic book superheros. But anyways there was something big going down in town and I was at Bat HQ (which apparently was some old, abandoned-looking cottage) when I got a call on my awesome cell phone. So I ducked into this little crawl-space to take the call, but then I figured, "pffft, wtf? I'm Batman. I don't have to answer my phone." So I handed it off to my assistant (who I'm sure was supposed to be my art teacher from college) and she proceeded to discuss business with the person. There were a few other people with me in HQ (I'm assuming more assistants), including Kevin Spacey. But when I went up to talk to him he just sat there against a wall looking all paranoid and useless. Next thing I know we end up outside on the old, creeky deck but I sneak back inside to spy on somebody. And then I can't remember anything else.

At least it wasn't a fish or outer space dream.

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