Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Houston, there is a problem

This dream was all over the place. But here goes:

I was out in a field with my parents and brother and I looked up to the sky to watch an airplane fly overhead. It was pretty normal, the whole seeing-an-airplane-in-the-sky thing, so I returned to whatever we were doing in the field. Suddenly the airplane changed into a space shuttle and headed straight for the ground. I could hear people talking calmly over a speaker of sorts as the shuttle crashed into the ground not too far from where we were standing. Then we all had to evacuate the area, which turned out to be the town where my grandma lives, and she appeared there with us as we left.

The evacuation route took us to a water slide, so we proceeded to ride down the slide in innertubes. Somehow, for some reason, I ended up in a long, wrinkly black skirt sitting down in a shallow area of the water slide, and then... I don't really remember anything else, except playing the jungle course on Mario Kart 64 and discovering a really awesome shortcut.

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