Saturday, March 15, 2008

grocery list: tomatoes, lettuce, bombs

It has come to my attention that the majority of my dreams have some sort of death/destruction theme to them: dying fish, being destroyed by blackholes or the sun, space shuttle crashing. And last night's dream was no different.

I was in an supermarket searching for something or somebody when bombs started falling through the ceiling and killing everyone. Then I was outside running, trying to find shelter. The place seemed like a desert, or maybe the place was just barren. More bombs were falling all around me. I looked to my left and saw a bomb hit a group of people, their flesh and blood splattering everywhere, even on me. Then I looked to my right and saw another bomb hit another group of people, splattering them everywhere, too. And all around me this kept happening until I woke up.

For some reason I got the feeling I was in the middle of a war. Maybe this was all due to me having just finished reading Persepolis. o_o;

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